Friday, May 4, 2007

Just A Quick Post

Yes, it's been a while since I've posted anything, but maaaaannnn, things have been busy!!! I need to make this a quick one because we are leaving for Vegas in the morning!! Wheee doggies!!! I have to be up and out of the bed in about 4 1/2 hours from right now. Doesn't leave a lot of sleeping time.

A couple of good happenings: Last Sunday (after meeting up with my good luck charm-DeAnne at Lowes ---- yes, I was back at Lowes and spent a LOT of money again!!! You know how that Lowes place is!!!)........later that afternoon, I was over at Cynthia's playing with the girls in their sandbox. They were getting ready to go inside, so Cynthia was rinsing them off. I wasn't really listening to what she was saying, but I heard her say Come over here Romy. It was a minute later that I realized that I actually HEARD her say that!! Snappy!!! Then later on, Rick thought he was being real slick and would test me. His face was over near my implant and he said something. I said What. He repeated and I knew what he said. He then said something else, I asked for a repeat, but then knew what he said. The third thing he said I caught the first time. So, things are starting to get through!! That doesn't mean I'm hearing everything that's going on, but I am picking up more. If I'm just listening to a conversation, I don't catch anything. But I can tell that things are improving!!! We are getting there!!

Yesterday I had my tweaking with Meg. She piddled with my current program, but also gave me another program to try. My normal one is a "fast" program, but she said some people prefer the "slow" program. Before my next appointment in 2 months, she wants me to try each program and compare. See which I like better.

She also did the little test with the words. You, toothpaste, hot dog, bluebird, rainbow, ice cream.....those words. This time I could really tell what the words were!! I wasn't kind of guessing. They weren't plain as day, but I could tell which one she was saying!! Yippee!!

I also got my Vegas program!! I figured she would take out some of the high pitches, but actually she removed some of the low tones. She said that in a casino, all the noise is a low roar and that overtakes anything else I would hear. So, I'm all set!!!

Meg and another audiologist have discussed me a lot!! I guess I'm a good subject for conversation!! Glad I could give them a little something to talk about!! They feel that most of my issues have to do with the whole spinal fluid thing. The spinal fluid causes intracranial pressure which in turn can cause a lot of the issues that I'm having. However, she said the only way to prove it is by a spinal tap, but we won't be doing that!!! You don't just do a spinal tap for the fun of it!!! Also, there's nothing they can do about it anyway. I don't have any major problems, so it's just something I get to live with. It's probably always been there and I guess it will continue to always be there. Goodie for me!!! She also said that even though it's been 2 months since my surgery, that I'm still healing, so things haven't totally settled down yet.

Well, that's all I can think of right now. My brain has started to shut down anyway!! I now have 4 puny hours till time to get up!! I'll get back to you in about a week or so. Hopefully I'll have some good Vegas pictures!! And HOPEFULLY, there will be a picture of me holding that BIG check made out in my name for a bazillion dollars!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!


Jennifer said...

Hey!! Have a fun vacation! I'm going to e-mail you back...sometime...sorry I'm so behind!! :)

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