Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Fabio, Fabio, Where For Art Thou Fabio!?

Friends.......well, I thought I had some, but there I was at the beach......been there for 3 months now.....stuck in a rip tip!!! Striving to stay afloat. Trying to survive. Did anybody pull me in to shore?? Oh nooooooooooo. At one point I thought I saw Fabio pass by......I screamed...FAAAABIO......FAAAAABIO...... He didn't even glance over. So, as usual, I had to save myself. Took me 3 months but here I am. Once I catch my breath, I'll let you know how things are going.

Miss Fruity Patooty

ps - if this leaves you scratching your head and saying what??... check out a December 22, 2007 post from a dear old friend, Jennifer, on her blog.... There's a link over on the side....Jennifer's Blog.....that kind of makes sense, doesn't it?!! She's a true friend.


Jennifer said...

SHE LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so very excited! We have been worried S-I-C-K. And I have been stalking your blog... hoping for an update... waiting to see what exciting things have been going on in your world... and all this time you were getting buff and tan (at least from the neck down... you were a little "p*a*l*e" up top...) with Fabio!!!

OK... now... so that my kids will quit asking... "Why do we keep praying for Miss Cherri Again???" Please let us know how you are and how it is going. The little ones... they need to KNOW. I guess they only feel the need topray on a case-by-case basis.... WHO KNOWS??

Love you!

Cynthia said...

It sure hasn't felt like you were gone for 3 months.......I think I would have noticed your absence.